Writer's Note:
Family means a lot to me. It's something that no matter how many times you fail, they will still always be there with the love that you need. Though I feel my life would be a lot more exciting if I were to have a twin. Someone to give and get advice, your bestfriend. A look a like, a clone of yourself.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Six Word Memoirs- Hate
Writer's Note:
Hate is a strong word. A word with more power then some people take it granted for. My quote represents the idea of changing the fact of the people you dislike making you feel down, and looking at it in a positive way, such as them become your motivators. The more positive outlook on things, the better.
Six Word Memoirs- Love
Writer's Note:
My reasoning for choosing this photo was because it came hand it hand with my quote. "Love like you have never loved." Meaning to not give up on love ever, not after heartbreaks or any failures. I feel like it was a positive six words to come up with, which can also become somewhat motivational.
Monday, February 27, 2012
So far I am really enjoying this whole new concept on blogging!
During the beginning I was a bit afraid of what to write, thinking people would read over everything I'm posting and judge me for it. After a few posts I've learned to really not care, I doubt my blog is the most popular blog out there anyways. I like this idea of blogging instead of having to hand in assignments and such.
A goal that I could set for myself while blogging could be something such as posting more personal additions. Posting things that to me, I just find interesting and want to share. Isn't that what the whole point of blogging is anyways?
During the beginning I was a bit afraid of what to write, thinking people would read over everything I'm posting and judge me for it. After a few posts I've learned to really not care, I doubt my blog is the most popular blog out there anyways. I like this idea of blogging instead of having to hand in assignments and such.
A goal that I could set for myself while blogging could be something such as posting more personal additions. Posting things that to me, I just find interesting and want to share. Isn't that what the whole point of blogging is anyways?
Writing Reflection 2- Six Word Memoirs
I found that the Six Word Memoris assignment, was the more interesting assignment that we had done so far. It was fairly creative, though a bit of a thinker. I like this style of writing because it's not all that much effort. Your not breaking a sweat and massaging your hand after writing like you would with a long essay. It was simple, like your just stating a point. From doing this assignment, I learned that ideas come fairly quick to my mind, I didn't have much of a struggle trying to think of what to say or what to write like some others might have. The hardest part of this assignment may have been doing this assignment within certain topics that we were limited with. It may have been a tad easier if we were open to any topics that we wanted.
Reading Reflection 2- The Burn Journals
1. What was the point of leaving the previous hospital that Brent was in to go to another? He liked the older one better anyways.
I feel like a new scenory and a new location is good for Brent considering he's been in the same place, the same room, with the exact same people for four months. In his mind, he could think that at least it's one step closer to become fully recovered, one step closer to home.
1. The song that he pops into his tape player while he gets into the car, on his way to the new institution I feel extremely relates to where he is in his life right now. It was a song from The Beatles.
2. After leaving the children's hospital where he was for four months, where he had his own room, with at least some sort of privacy, is a big step up from where he's forced to go now unfortunately. Now he is on his way to a brand new institution where he is forced to share a room with some stranger who also is in recovery from a burn. I don't find that fair one bit for poor Brent.
3. Just when I think things are getting as worse as they could for Brent, he then soonly figures out that the new roomate he has, has a awful attitude. Yelling and arguing with the nurses and caretakers could be one thing, but hopefully having issues with Brent is not going to be a concern.
4. Brent has a dream in his new place where he's on his way to some waterfall to get rid of the bodies he's traveling with from the people he had killed. He regrets it dreadfully. As well as when he wakes up and realises it's a dream, he still feels aawful from himself even having some sort of idea like that. My idea was that I wonder if this dream could symbolize any sort of way to how he's feeling, or if he somewhat has an idea in his mind that the author has not shared with us yet.
The way he describes and remembers his awful dream relates to me in a way that I dream constantly, and all of me dreams are to descriptive, it's like I could have read them out of a book.
I feel in the future of reading this book I will soon find out that the dreams he has constantly been having lately will symbolize and foreshadow something that will soon happen. As well as he will soon be able to go home, though it still might take some time. He won't jump back into school right away, but when he does he will be extremely nervous and worried. Going back to the place that led me to almost kill myself, would frighten me as well. He will be afraid that no one will like him anymore because of what he had attempted to do.
1. What was the point of leaving the previous hospital that Brent was in to go to another? He liked the older one better anyways.
I feel like a new scenory and a new location is good for Brent considering he's been in the same place, the same room, with the exact same people for four months. In his mind, he could think that at least it's one step closer to become fully recovered, one step closer to home.
1. The song that he pops into his tape player while he gets into the car, on his way to the new institution I feel extremely relates to where he is in his life right now. It was a song from The Beatles.
2. After leaving the children's hospital where he was for four months, where he had his own room, with at least some sort of privacy, is a big step up from where he's forced to go now unfortunately. Now he is on his way to a brand new institution where he is forced to share a room with some stranger who also is in recovery from a burn. I don't find that fair one bit for poor Brent.
3. Just when I think things are getting as worse as they could for Brent, he then soonly figures out that the new roomate he has, has a awful attitude. Yelling and arguing with the nurses and caretakers could be one thing, but hopefully having issues with Brent is not going to be a concern.
4. Brent has a dream in his new place where he's on his way to some waterfall to get rid of the bodies he's traveling with from the people he had killed. He regrets it dreadfully. As well as when he wakes up and realises it's a dream, he still feels aawful from himself even having some sort of idea like that. My idea was that I wonder if this dream could symbolize any sort of way to how he's feeling, or if he somewhat has an idea in his mind that the author has not shared with us yet.
The way he describes and remembers his awful dream relates to me in a way that I dream constantly, and all of me dreams are to descriptive, it's like I could have read them out of a book.
I feel in the future of reading this book I will soon find out that the dreams he has constantly been having lately will symbolize and foreshadow something that will soon happen. As well as he will soon be able to go home, though it still might take some time. He won't jump back into school right away, but when he does he will be extremely nervous and worried. Going back to the place that led me to almost kill myself, would frighten me as well. He will be afraid that no one will like him anymore because of what he had attempted to do.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Person Addictions 2- R.I.P Whitney Houston
I find that this quote really symbolizes Whitney's career, as well as it shows how dedicated she truly was to her music.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Writing Response 1
So far, the experiences that we have done through out this creative writing course I have enjoyed. I like the fact that it's not a normal paper and pen writing class. The different writing methods that we've tried made this class more interesting, as well as more enjoyable. My favourite writing method that we have tried would be between the doodling, or the list writings because it's almost a form of art, and less of a task. I think to make it more of a "creative" writing class, we should get the chance to choose which kind of writing method we'd like to use though out the semester, the ones that we have enjoyed the most.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Reading Reflection 1
1. Why did he decide to do what he did to himself
in the bathroom?
I feel the reasoning for this was because
for one, it was somewhere away from everyone else where he could be alone, as
well as maybe he thought it wouldn’t be as much as a mess, and if he desperately
needed water, he was able to get it fast.
2. What song is this?
When his peers made a video for him while
he was in the hospital, there was a song that played
that symbolized something from this past
that I couldn’t quite understand it’s reasoning.
3. What happened to Alida?!
One of the burn patients a room over from
Brent all of a sudden died in her room and it’s not clear on how she died, or
how she got burnt for that matter.
1. 1. When Brent was first trying to light himself on
fire, after pouring gasoline all over him, his lighter wouldn’t light. It took
a few tries for it to actually work, my comment was that maybe something was
showing him it was a bad idea, maybe his match wouldn’t light at first for a
certain reason.
3. 2.A comment I had throughout what I have read so
far is that it`s amazing to see that after everything that Brent has been
through, and with the condition that he is currently in, he can still have a
smile on his face, and crack jokes with a good sense of humor. I admire that.
4. 3. A comment I had during the part in the book
where he found out that after the
surgery for his
Back, he`d have to be stuck on his back for
a solid 10 days, not being able to move. Those ten days would last a century
for me; I don’t even know how I would handle that. I`d be so limited But Brent,
being the trooper he is still has a smile on his face with hope that everything
will be okay.
Text to Self:
When the author talks about all of the surgeries that Brent has to go
through, it gives me a flash back to when I had to get surgeries when I was little.
Though they weren`t nearly as bad as Brent’s, I still feel his pain in a way
that it`s still a scary thing to go through of course, and the recovery after
does truly suck.
When all of Brent’s friends from school send him a video of them talking
to him, telling the camera how much he`s missed, and what he`s missed, asking
him questions and such for him to read, it reminds me of a movie I once
watched. It`s called Bring it on 3. Where it’s the exact same case, only it was
because she switched schools
predictions of what will happen next in the book is that eventually, Brent will
recover from all this, though it will take a long, long time. Eventually he
will be able to return to school again and see all of his friends, with a
reminder in the back of his mind, that he has learnt his lesson, and he will
never try to commit suicide again. Possilbly having nightmares of his past, and realizing how horrific it was.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Googling Yourself
It's crazy to think any account you have ever made over the internet, is still there today. It's actually really risky, people from all over the world can simply search your name on Google, and can creep anything you have once done over the internet.
I have found accounts that I have made all the way back from grade seven, such as a Youtube account that I made that long ago.
I have found:
- My Facebook page
- My Formspring page
- My Youtube page (that I haven't used in years.)
I have found accounts that I have made all the way back from grade seven, such as a Youtube account that I made that long ago.
I have found:
- My Facebook page
- My Formspring page
- My Youtube page (that I haven't used in years.)
This is my first actual blog of mine, making me new at this whole idea, though I hope for it to help me proceed in the writing of my thoughts. As well as it's and easier and faster way to write my thoughts down whether I'm at school or at home. Who new technology could make a physical change in my writing ability, expecially considering its apart of a school course.
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