Monday, June 11, 2012

Final Thoughts on the Course

Favourite Assignment:
My favourite assignment that we did would have to be our last big project, making a bucket list. To me, it was the most creative assignment, as well as it was the assignment where we had the most freedom to make it however we wanted too without any rule brick to follow.

Least Favourite Assignment:
My least favourite assignment was when we did the black out poetry. I found it the most difficult.

Friday Readings:
I didn't mind having a reading class every Friday, considering Friday would be the day out of any day of the week that people usually don't feel like doing anything. I found myself very relaxed after every reading class, which I enjoyed.

Monday Written Reflection:
Monday writing reflections were okay, of course it is just another assignment that people had to make sure they kept up on, though I enjoyed being able to blog about it instead of writing it on paper.

The WRN:
I thought I'd use my WRN more then I actually did, because I blogged everything I didn't make much use of it. Though it was nice to have a notebook to over look and see everything I accomplished in this class.

The Blog:
At first I didn't like the idea of having a blog for this course. I thought It would be too embarresing to blog how I felt. I ended up enjoying it the most out of anything we did this class.

Tweeting was nothing new for me, considering I tweet on a daily basis on another account outside of school. It was a clever way to show off some of the points off of your bucket list.

What I learned about myself:
I feel like I learnt that I enjoy blogging and posting on the Internet over writing with paper and pen. If this whole course was all on paper and pen I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much. I learnt that I'm better with project that give you the most freedom, instead of ones with specific curriculum.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Now what?

The first task on my bucket list is to overcome my fear of snakes.

I have always had a phobia of them ever since I would see my mom freak out, and be afraid of snakes when she saw them. Since then I have picked up my moms fear, and made it one of my own. I have been afraid of snakes my entire life. A way of accomplishing this goal is to go to the zoo, or somewhere where I will see a snake that's not wild, and get use to it perhaps? Try feeling it, maybe understand that there not as scary as I thought. It's hard saying I would be able to do this considering if I see one currently, I freak out. It will be a working process, though hopefully the fear will eventually pass.

25. Go hang gliding,r:1,s:0,i:70

24. Win an oscar,r:1,s:0,i:151&biw=1366&bih=674

23. Attend an awards show

22. Meet Adam Sandler