Monday, April 30, 2012

Reading Reflection 8

Book- The Burn Journals
Author- Brent Runyo
Pages read- 305-319

Last Friday I had finally finished this book.

Brent finally goes back to school. First it was only part time, but eventually it becomes continuous. Now everything in his life is back to normal. Including his social life, which is probably what he was the most nervous about. I find this book was way to predictable, as well as it dragged on too much. I think it shouldn't have been all about staying in the hospital, and more about what led up to him being forced to stay there. More about how he was feeling before he did what he did that ended him up in the hospital. It could have also talked more about his experience on going back to school, which it did not.

Writing Reflection 8

This week I enjoyed doing the blackout newspaper poetry because it was something that I would have never even thought of before that class. It's a clever way in writing poetry if you don't know where to start. I found it fairly easy because the words were already there for you, though having it make sense, or turning it into your own story was somewhat difficult. This writing method is most defiantly a step up from the methods we have done in the past. This writing method is probably one of my favorites that we have done so far. What made this method so unique was the idea of actually turning someone else's piece of work, into something you made, without copy writing it, or starting from scratch with your own ideas. I found it annoying having to black out the rest of the article that you were not using, but that's nothing. At first seeing an example of this on YouTube, I didn't think I would be able to do it as well as I did. It looked much harder then what I had thought. Though once the article was in front of me, reading it over and finding the first word to choose, it was not so bad after all.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Personal Addition 20

Places I have traveled to:

1. Paris, France
2. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
3. Toronto, Ontario
4. Calgary, Albeta
5. Montreal, Ontario
6. Euro Disneyland, France
7. Kenora, Ontario
8. Grand Forks, USA
9. Vancouver, British Columbia
10. Tofino, Canada (Vancouver Island)
11. Nanimo, Canada (Vancouver Island)
12. Swift Current, Albeta
13. Cold Lake, Alberta
14. Edmonton, Alberta
15. Regina, Alberta
16. Clear Lake, Manitoba
17. Banff, Alberta
18. Gimli, Manitoba
19. Minedosa, Manitoba
20. West Hawk Lake, Manitoba
21. Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba
22. Falcon Lake, Manitoba
23. Caddy Lake, Manitoba
24. Grand Beach, Manitoba
25. Patricia Beach, Manitoba
26. Medicine Hat, Alberta

(Probably more little places that I can't think of at the moment)

Writing Reflection 7

Comment 1:

I decided to post on Lindsay's blog about her top favourite artists because one of them, I agree with. I also enjoy David Guetta. I like that his music is not like every other artists. He's unique and always comes up with something different.

Comment 2:

I thought it was appropriate to comment on Bella's post of the places she has travelled too. You can see that she has traveled quite alot, and some of the places that she has been to I have always wished to see. Such as California, New York, Hawaii, and the Bahamas.

Comment 3:

I agree with Ashleigh here where she believes that you shouldn't have to write exams for the courses that your take. It stresses you out, and makes you nervous. Nothing good comes out of them!

Reading Reflection 7

Book- The Burn Journals
Author- Brent Runyo
Pages read- 290-305


1. I like the idea of Brent being able to play regular sports just like everyone else now. Such as when he's fighting with his dad, or playing Wallyball, which is just like Volleyball. It seems as if he's a normal kid again. Considering the author doesn't talk about people having to go easy against him, or him having special advantages during the sports that he plays. It is nice to see, like I've said several times, how much he has recovered. Who new he'd be able to going back to where he once was, enjoying his life.

2. "Okay, so I can use my hands, arms, and legs. I can think. I can walk. I can talk. I'm fifteen. I'm alive. Life's pretty good. It's pretty good." -Brent (pg.292)

The quote he says here and the end of the chapter complete relates to what I had said in the first comment. Not only is he physically better, but he is emotionally better. He's happy, and thinking positive.


1. I wonder how long it will take until Brent is completely ready to attend school once again. Even until now he is still somewhat nervous, and doesn't enjoy when his parents bring it up. He questions himself. "Could I do it, like, a little at a time?" I'm sure it will be awkward, and nerve racking for the first day. People will stare at him and talk about him, but eventually, people will get over it. If he is back to normal again, I don't see why he can't being going to school again. Eventually, he will have to go back.


I currently don't have any predictions, considering I'm practically at the very end of my book. One chapter left, and it's only obvious that he will be going back to school in the last chapter. My prediction at one point was for him to be normal once again, and attend school. Which is what is currently happening.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Personal Addition 19

This is a picture I took from the very top of the ferris wheel at the ex. It was night, the amusement park was closing soon. The weather was warm. I found it a beautiful picture to take.

Personal Addition 18

This is a picture of the lake that my cabin is on, West Hawk Lake. My favourite place in the world to go. It is the perfect place to get away from noisy cars, traffic, school, and everything else that you dislike about Winnipeg.

Personal Addition 17

A henna tattoo I got at a fair near my cabin. I think it is the neatest henna I have ever had, giving it a good reason to be blogged.

Personal Addition 16

I decided to blog this photo because it shows one of my favourite hobbies that I may have not mention on my blog before. I love to snowboard, I could snowboard everyday if I was able too. I find it peaceful, like you in your own little world, especially when you have your headphones in while going down. Even though your friend may be going down the hill beside you, or in front of you, it is still an individual sport that only you can change to get better or not yourself. I have been snowboarding for several years now, and not once has it got boring. I only wish I lived somewhere closer to a bigger ski area, maybe even a mountain.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Writing Reflection 6

Comment 1:

I thought this personal addition that Bella posted was extremely creative. Like I said in my comment, I don't know anyone else with a name who can physically draw out like Bella's name. For example my name, Cheyenne, would be quite hard to draw.

Comment 2:

I decided to post a comment on this particular post because Lindsay and I have this in common, where we both agree that the Hard Rock Cafe is one of the most spectacular restaurants to go too, even if we were not at the exact same one. That fact that they are all over the word is mind blowing.

Comment 3:

The reason I thought it would be appropriate to comment on this one particular post, was because one time last year Hugh and I actually went to the back of the school to through a Frisbee, where he was the expert, while I had no idea what I was doing. So I proved him wrong where he said that nobody was jealous of him playing Ultimate as a sport in his Six Word Memoirs.

Reading Reflection 6

Book- The Burn Journals 
Author- Brent Runyo 
Pages read- 270-290


1. What was the point in listening to the Beatles song, In my life, and what was it's significance?
 I feel like the significance of this song in the book was because the song it self represents a happy time in life, which could be something good for Brent, through out everything that he has gone through.

2. What makes the nurse that always comes in, in the middle of the night "freaky?"
As Brent says, she's "freaky" because of her extra long nails, and I'm guessing shes not all that friendly if she comes off as scary towards Brent.


1. I don't think it was a good idea that the nurses decided to move Brent from what was once his own room in the children's hospital, to a room where hes forced to stay with a roommate, someone he does not know, and that does not talk. Usually it would make sense to get to know your new roommate, making them less of a stranger. Though in this case, Brent is alone in his room for two, while his roommate is sitting on the bed next to him.

2. When Brent goes down to the bowling alley with Jodi, you realize how much of a change he has actually gone through. From once not even being able to move in his hospital bed, to now being able to bowl, You can see he is finally getting healthier, though he is still stuck where he is. This place seems to be a lot more fun then the older hospital that he was in, where all there was, was the lobby, his room, medical caring rooms, as well as the cafeteria. 


I find this book not getting anywhere, like I'm not even exciting to go on and see how it finally ends. All that I can possibly see happening in Brent's future is going home and trying to restart his life he had once had, and nothing different.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Personal Addition 15

The reason that I decided to post this quote, was because this is a quote that everyone going through high school can relate too. You would be lying if you said someone didn't get to know you well before deciding to judge you. Same as the fact that you have probably judged someone once, before actually knowing who they are. It's like it goes around in an on going circle. You don't even need to be in high school to relate to this. Though high school is where you will find more girls, or maybe even boys that are caddy. It is just another day in on going high school. This quote should make people think of there past, and where they went wrong, or where they have been treated wrong, and hopefully it could change something.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Writing Reflection 5

As I said in previous writing reflections, I enjoy this idea of blogging quite a lot. I would like to learn more about my options to making my blog a bit more unique with gadgets the others may not have, though other then that I have no other issues with blogging. I would like to learn more about other forms of Social Medias, and how we can make them useful, such as Twitter. I have a Twitter account, but I'm sure there are more ways to make Twitter more useful then the ways I know, which is what I would like to learn.

For our upcoming project about fan fiction, I feel like it would be a idea that will make our writing more unique, and use more imagination, which I don't have a problem with. Though ideas of what to write may be an issue for me.

Reading Reflection 5

Book- The Burn Journals
Author- Brent Runyo
Pages read- 211-270

So far, I feel like my book is just going on and on, like it is never going to end. I thought this book would be a little more exciting, but it is honestly just the exact same thing over and over. It was a nice change reading that he had finally got out of the hospital and all, though the majority of the book was just about his daily life in the hospital, which is the exact same thing every single day. Though I am not completely finished with the book yet, I feel like the idea of this book being so predictable, will end with a boring, and unexciting ending.

I enjoy reading every Friday like we do, because it makes my Friday all the more relaxing and peaceful. No body wants a stressed out last day of your week with an overload of assignments to do. Though the Friday's that we read are the only time I have to actually read The Burn Journals, which is the result to why it is taking me so long to read this book. I feel like my reading habits have not changed from this class over the semester, because of the fact that I can only find time to read this book in class. Which only makes me more excited for Friday too come!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Personal Additions 14

To expand on the post I made last month, where I posted a iPhone that could represent Brent from the book that I am reading, I decided to turn it into another personal addition.

Starting from the top left, I made an app saying "Hospitals in the area."
When I drew this I was thinking about the apps you get get on you Iphone's that are useful in a way like a directory. Brent can look up all of the closest hospitals around his area and know all there information, so he can choose the best one to attend, whether it is too live there or just for checkups.

The top middle app is a guide book. There are guide books for pretty much anything. This guide book especially related to Brent because it is a guide book to treat your burns, and the damage you have once being in a fire. I thought Brent would consider this app very useful.

The top right app is an app for videos. Just like the real app itself, where when you click on it, it shows the videos that you currently have in your phone. I thought this could be the app Brent clicks when he's bored one day and decides to watch all of the "get better" videos that his friends had made him when he was living in the hospital.

 The left app in the middle row is a game. A game Brent downloaded that makes him think back, and finds ironic to play. The game is called "Run from Fire." Where it's your task to keep running before the fire catches up to you.

The second app in the middle row is just like the real app, your reminders. This app may be useful for Brent in a way where he can keep his upcoming check ups, or guidance counselor meetings organized. An app where he doesn't get his dates mixed up or forgets about an important meeting.

The very right app in the middle row is an app to shop. Brent can shop for the latest bandages for his burns, as well as the newest medical cares that would be good for him.

The app on the bottom left are just his text messages. There messages that he decided to keep from his peers when he was bored and wanted someone to text while living in the hospital.

The app located on the inside left of the very bottom row is Brent's phone calls. Just like his text messages, its his voice messages or missed calls that he never deleted from when people would call to check up on him while he was in care.

The app located on the inside right of the very bottom row is his Safari. It's simply where the internet hotspot password and username that he new from the hospital is kept saved in case having to go back, he'd be able to use the internet easily.

 The last app on the bottom right is his music. He was bored one day and decided to make a playlist of all the songs he had that had to do with burning, fire, care, or pain. They all remind him of his past, staying in the hospital.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Personal Addition 13

I recently just got back from Paris and I've decided to post a picture that I took while being there. It was an amazing experience, where I saw a lot of remarkable things. It was almost as if I was in a whole different world, because everything there differs from what I am use to seeing in my own city.